It’s Not Less Holy.
“It’s not less holy.”
A kind reminder from the One who is part of it all.
Yesterday morning I made a cup of coffee and sat down to spend some set apart time with the Lord before work. As I was walking to my chair I saw my favorite coffee table book laying on the table and remembered how much I loved the slow moments of looking through it. The last time I sat down to read the stories and look at the pictures in it was at least 7 months ago—before all the transition began.
I so wanted to read it, but I also wanted to spend time with Abba.
As if there’s a separation…?
Before I had time to “die to my flesh” and not read an interior design book (seriously, how dumb does that sound? But it was the reality of the religious voice in that moment), I heard Abba say “It’s not less holy”.
So what did I do? I grabbed my Kinfolk coffee table book and began soaking up the beauty on every page while drinking my coffee. I read words that provoked new thoughts and stared at pictures that inspired wonder. I found Abba in the simple enjoyment of it all.
I’m not sure where or when the ridged, black and white thinking regarding devotion crept in, but I’m thankful for the whisper that invited me back into the awareness that it’s all communion. The whisper that invited me back into deep breaths and true enjoyment of life with Him.
It’s all with Him.
That’s the beauty of it.
That’s the wild wonder of our God.
He’s just as present with me when I’m reading a coffee table book as He is when I’m reading my Bible.
He’s just as delighted.
He enjoys every moment with us—not just the moments that religion would like to deem as “good enough”.
It’s not less holy.
Every moment is with Him, so every moment is holy.
Here’s to a year—and to a lifetime—of enjoying every moment with Him and realizing He enjoys every moment with us. Here’s to being aware of His nearness and His absolute delight over us—at all times. Here’s to the pressure falling off and the voices of “do better”, “try harder” and “catch up” being silenced once and for all. There’s grace and so much rest available. Refreshing waters are coming to drench your spirit, soul and physical body.
You will find and enjoy Life again.