Christmas Time In The City | Mobile, Alabama

I have never lived in a city at Christmas time—actually I’ve never lived in a city period. Moving into a downtown apartment wasn’t on the radar when I moved to lower Alabama. In fact, I originally had an apartment in Fairhope, AL when I moved to this area. That lasted under 2 months due to a lovely mold situation the apartment complex had. I immediately had to move out and move in with some friends for 3 weeks. I had no idea what I was going to do or when I would be able to find a new home. Another friend of mine had casually mentioned some neat apartments in Mobile a while back, so I pulled them up online and liked what I saw. I scheduled an appointment to tour the single apartment they had available and fell in love. Within a week or so of touring it I was moving in. I was going to have a home of my own in time for Christmas—yay!!

It was much different from my Fairhope apartment, but glorious in all its ways. The location and views are what sold me on it. It overlooks one of my favorite downtown sqaures and has coffee shops, restaurants and neat spots like the Saenger Theater within walking distance. There’s so much life all around.

When I first moved into my new apartment, Abba told me this move was Him bringing me out of the last bit of loneliness and isolation from the past several years. I realized in that moment all of my previous apartments were so far away from everyone and everything. Living at least 30 minutes from people you do life with isn’t awful or undoable, but it definitely puts a damper on consistent community. There’s so much life in downtown—it has been a dream. I have actually always wanted to live in a downtown area, but over the years I kind of just forgot about that desire. It wasn’t until I moved in that I realized it was a desire fulfilled—how amazing, right?!

A Whimsy Christmas

I have never had a cypress Christmas tree, but I am so in love. It made all my whimsy Christmas dreams come true and gave me all the Little Women Vibes. If you haven’t seen the 2019 Little Women yet, then stop reading this blog pst right now and take a few hours to watch one of the most beautiful movies ever—it’s my fav!

I love a natural looking tree, so I decided to decorate this tree with dried orange garland, cranberry garland, simple warm white lights and reclaimed barnwood ornaments I made a few years back. my 2022 Christmas tree was my favorite yet. Granted,I’ve decorated my tree exactly like this the past 3 years, BUT this year I had a cypress tree which made all the difference and really helped achieve the whimsy look I always envisioned.

A friend of mine posted about a Christmas tree farm about 30-40 outside of downtown Mobile called Fish River. It was the coolest farm and the prices were the same as if you were to buy a tree from somewhere like Lowes or Walmart. Plus, I got to cut my tree down. Super fun experience and definietly going back next year!

Christmas Blooms From Grace Rose Farm

My sweet client, Meredith, sent me the most beautiful roses from Grace Rose Farm and I’m telling you, they got more beautiful every single day. Seriously some of the prettiest and largest rose blooms I have ever seen. These pictures are from day 1 or day 2 of having them, but the blooms got so much bigger.

Home At Last

Even though I had only been in my new apartment a few weeks before Christmas and things weren’t totally settled and in their place yet, I so enjoyed getting to experience living downtown during the holidays and being able to decorate at least a little bit. I may not have had a sofa in my living room yet, but you best believe I had a Christmas tree. Also, look how sweet the maintenance team is at my apartment complex. Joey had to stop by one day and we got to talking and he was the sweetest man. A day or two later he gave me with the most wholesome gift ever—fruit from his citrus trees. How. Sweet. Seriously.


Gluten Free Flourless Fallen Chocolate Cake: One of the Best Cakes You’ll Ever Eat


It’s Not Less Holy.