And Gardens Grew.

Whenever I begin a new journal I like to skip the first page. It’s something I began doing just within the past few years. I used to feel so much pressure to write something neat and polished on page 1. Deep and meaningful. Not too vulnerable just in case I lost my journal and a stranger found it and turned to the inside cover, but still something that would ripple into eternity. It’s hard to begin anything when there’s that much pressure, which is why I made the adult decision to simply skip the first page and let the words fall as they may. To not overthink it and just begin— even if it’s on page 2. I’m happy to report it has made “starting” a lot easier.

When I began dreaming about starting a blog I realized I wouldn’t be able to use this happy little method of mine. No hiding behind the first page.

To my surprise, this feels totally different than beginning a new journal. Maybe because this is a dream I have been nurturing in my heart for years. Maybe because I do hope strangers—and friends alike— find this blog and take a peek inside. Maybe because I am riding on the wind of grace. This venture is meant to be an overflow of who I am. Therefore, there is rest. No striving.

There’s no pressure for this to become anything, so I am letting the words fall as they may. I am letting all this simply “become”. Whatever that looks like.

I’ve been reminded the past few weeks how valuable and necessary creativity is in my life. How important it is for me to intentionally create. So, this is me creating a space for the Holy Spirit to come hover. In Genesis 1 we see an empty place. Earth. Dark and void. No form. Chaos. Then, the Spirit of Holiness comes and hovers. Brooding over the deep.

Form came. Light filtered in. Life and excitement filled the air. The breath of God found a permanent home in the lungs of man. And Gardens grew.

So, my prayer is this:

Holy Spirit come.

Hover over this empty space. Form whatever You may.

Let light break through and let hearts be awakened. Breathe life. Brood over the deepest parts of who we are. Let every formless and empty place within us yield to the fullness of You. Create and recreate. Form and reform.

We are entering into the land of living well. Here, there are only good things.


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